San Francisco belongs to the cars

I recently spent roughly ten days in San Francisco. In reality I went there to attend a technology summit but I managed to spare some time during the weekend to explore the city a bit. I cannot really say that I was (positively) impressed by what I saw: this part of California summarise everything that could go wrong in our modern society, and it is really hard to understand how a place where the wealthiest companies decided to put their HQs can have such a high percentage of homeless and desperate people roaming the streets 24/7 like invisible ghosts.

For that reason I decided not to take many street pictures as I felt quite uncomfortable in my position of well-paid, wealthy tourist. Was it the right thing to do? I don’t know…in any case I decided to move my attention to one of the nicest aspect of the city…the cars! At every corner you can see those magnificent examples of engineering, ready to hit the road and climb the incredibly steep hills that made my feet and heels burn with pain for so many days. This is just a random collection of what I have seen:

Technical info: Nikon FM2n > Carl Zeiss Distagon 2/35 zf.2 > Tmax400 and Trix400 in D-76